Career Opportunities
Create a digital (PPT, Canva) or paper-based presentation to address the following:
Identify two careers and/or educational opportunities that would be available to you once you are proficient in French.
Choose one of these opportunities to research further and address:
○What level of French is required for this career/opportunity?
○What other education requirements are needed?
○Provide an overview of the career/opportunity, making sure to also address what is interesting about this option to you.
○ Any other points of interest that should be noted, e.g. where the career is, how much it would pay, what the educational opportunity would cost, etc.
○Write a brief (one paragraph - ~150 words) reflection discussing the opportunities that are accessible once learning a new language.
You will be marked using the rubric below. Please make sure to read through it carefully so that you know what needs to be included in your presentation.