Bibliography Style Sheet

For most section assignments, you do not have to use materials outside of the course and will not need a bibliography. However, if you choose to research ideas for any assignment, you must cite them in a bibliography. 

Most unit projects will require some research. In this case, you are responsible for keeping track of all sources that you use and/or consult then formatting these in a bibliography. 

For rules regarding how to create a bibliography, follow the guidelines below.

Bibliography Style Sheet

Encyclopedia (print)

Author(last name, first name). “Name of article.” Name of Encyclopedia.

City: Publisher, Copyright Date.


“Bats.” World Book Encyclopedia. Chicago: World Book, Inc. 2005.


Last Name, First Name. Name of the book. City of publication: Publisher’s name, Copyright Date.


O’Henry, John. Space. New York: Scholastic, 2001.

On-Line Magazine Article

Author. “Title.” Journal Date. Date you visit the URL, URL address


Halls, Kelly, “Juggling History.” U.S. Kids June 1997 March 2000.

Magazine Article

Author. “Title of article.” Name of magazine, date, pages.


Markham, Lois. “A Gallery of Great Native Americans.” National Geographic for Kids, August 2001:6-7.

World Wide Web

Author. “Title” Group Title. Date created. Institution.

Date you saw it. URL

The Victorian Web. Ed. George Landow. June 2000. Brown University. 25

Feb. 2004 <>


Last Name, First Name. Kind of interview. Date


Miles, Sam. Personal interview. 25 December 2007.

General Rules

  • Underline a title or put it in italics
  • If a book or other material does not have an author, use the title in place of the author’s last name.
  • One-page articles and encyclopedia articles do not need numbers.
  • List entries in alphabetical order
  • Indent the second line and double space between entries