Submissions grading

Provides Rationale
Provides pertinent reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.
4 points
Provides general reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.
3 points
Provides general reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.
2 points
Provides superficial reasons when using criteria to evaluate questions.
1 points
Does not provides reasons for evaluating questions.
0 points
Clarity in Answers
Answers to questions are clearly stated and understood.
4 points
Answers to questions are mostly clear.
3 points
Answers to questions lack clarity and detail.
2 points
Student did not complete the questions and answers are unclear.
1 points
0 points
Student demonstrates full knowledge by answering questions with explanation and elaboration.
4 points
Student demonstrates knowledge by answering questions with explanation and elaboration.
3 points
Student show adequate knowledge by answering questions with few details or elaborations.
2 points
Student shows little knowledge by answering questions with little to no detail or elaboration.
1 points
0 points
No misspellings or grammar errors.
4 points
Some misspelling, 1-2 grammar errors.
3 points
Some misspelling, 3-4 grammar errors.
2 points
Misspelling of more than 4 spelling mistakes and, several grammatical errors.
1 points
0 points