Submissions grading

Reflective response
Superior in its depth of discussion. Demonstrates an insightful understanding. Support, explicit or implicit, is thoughtful and well-integrated. Despite its clarity, response need not be flawless.
4 points
Competent in its discussion of ideas. Response is organized and straightforward, but may miss subtle or complex ideas. Supported by relevant details.
3 points
Somewhat adequate in its discussion of ideas. Response may be unclear, incomplete or lack detail. Assertions are often simplistic or unevenly developed. Support is not clearly connected to the central idea.
2 points
Inadequate - Demonstrates a misreading or significant misunderstanding of the task. Response may be incomplete or consists of underdeveloped, limited ideas. Support is absent or flawed, with little evidence of relationships or connections. Does not meet the expectations of the task
1 points
Makes no attempt to address the topic or simply restates the question
0 points