2.7 - Healthy Living Goal
Can you identify and apply strategies used to pursue your own healthy-living goals?
You have learned about how exercise helps you, about how to eat well, and about how to avoid diseases.
In this assignment, you will set and work on a healthy living goal for up to a week. What do you most need to improve in or work on (either for health reasons or just for school)? How can you do this?
- Think about your healthy habits, such as sleep and drinking water.
- Think about your eating (and water drinking habits).
- What needs to improve? Do you feel this is important?
- Think about your exercise.
- Is there something you have been avoiding or not fitting in to your active time?
- Is there anything you really WANT to add or try (that is possible over the next week)?
Download, complete, and submit the assignment below.
Assessment - 4 point scale:
1 - BEGINNING: With significant support and prompting, student is beginning to identify, plan for, and pursue healthy-living goals. |
2 - DEVELOPING – With support, student shows some / partial skill in identifying, planning for, pursuing, and reflecting on their own healthy-living goals. |
3 – APPLYING / MEETING EXPECTATIONS - Student demonstrates the ability to identify, plan for, pursue, and reflect on their own healthy-living goals. |
4 - EXTENDING - Student demonstrates a sophisticated ability to identify, plan for, and pursue their own healthy-living goals. Responses have exceptional detail and thoughtful responses. Advanced insight is evident in reflection. |
Submission Options:
- Attach computer document using the drop box provided.
If completing your assignment on paper:
- Scan and attach assignment as one big .pdf file.
- Drop your work off with your teacher. (Also a great idea, but more difficult to return.)
- If no other way works, pull out your phone and take pictures. (Make them good pictures; then embed them all into a single word document.)
If you have a new scanner and are trying to figure out the best way to scan your work for submission, here are some tips:
- Paper Size: 8.5 x 11 inches (most typical - or can re-size later)
- Colour Format: Grayscale (keeps file smaller then color, yet still clear)
- File Type: PDF (best), or JPG (if PDF isn't available)
- Resolution: 150 or 200 (can use 300 if small details don't show with 150/200)