Unit 1 Project
For the conclusion of unit one, you will be carrying out a research inquiry project. You will choose one of the questions below, will explore that question, then will present your findings in one of the possible formats suggested below.
None of the questions below has a single correct answer that you can find by simply putting the right key words into Google. In your research, you are expected to engage in inquiry, which is "grappling with evidence, weighing choices, and making interpretations," according to The Big Six Historical Thinking Concepts by Peter Seixas and Tom Morton.
The Questions - Consider all three but choose only one
- Did modern humans exterminate all of the large land animals (known as "megafauna") wherever they went?
- Why did Neanderthals die out shortly after modern humans arrived in Europe?
- How significant was the domestication of hunting dogs to the spread of modern humans across the planet?
After you have chosen your topic, your first step is to start gathering information that will help you to explore your question. Make sure to do the following:
- get information from a variety of sources such as news sites, magazines, books and websites meant for students - be sure to keep track of all of these
- look for different points of view
- record your thoughts and observations
- write down any questions that you have
- collect helpful images as you go
- do your best to clarify your thinking on this topic
Organize your project into three or four well-defined sub-topics. Be sure to have evidence to support your claims for each sub-topic.
You will need to present an introduction, your developing ideas, and conclusion.
You can choose to present this as a report, slideshow, poster or oral presentation. See course resources for examples of these formats.
Remember that you will need to submit all of your notes, rough work and list of sources used including sources for images.
This will be marked according to the project rubric below.