
This unit covers the ancient civilizations that developed in Central and South America beginning in about 1500 BCE until about 900 CE. You will learn about how societies such as the Olmec of Mexico and the Moche of South America arose, flourished and met their demise long before they had any contact with Europeans. 

You will learn about their advanced agricultural systems that developed many of the crops that we grow today such as maize (corn), beans, and potatoes. 

You will study their artwork which has been our primary window into their world view and their beliefs. 

Below, you can see a ceramic bottle with spout in the shape of an owl from the Moche culture. 

Photo from The Met Museum

Although we study these groups together, in most cases, they were not very connected to one another, but functioned mostly as independent city-states with some common cultural features. 

A theme in this unit is the idea of civilization itself and what it is that defines it. Does a society need writing to be civilized? Does it need to have a central government? You will have the chance to explore these questions as well as a few more.