What is in this Unit

Unit 4 consists of the following:

  • Unit 4 Learning Guide - You must print the Learning Guide and complete it as you work through the unit. You will hand this in at the end of the unit. 
  • Four sections 
    • 4.1 - The Moche 
    • 4.2 - The Nazca 
    • 4.3 - The Olmec
    • 4.4 - The Maya
  • Unit test - two composition questions
  • Unit project - Historical Dialogue - Here you will script a dialogue between yourself and an eleventh century community leader who is considering adopting a writing system

Time Management for Unit 4

  • Keep in mind that the section assignments in this unit are meant to be completed in less than an hour
  • Each quiz will only take a few minutes (there is a timer)
  • The unit project is a five part dialogue that should take about two hours. It will require some organization such as note-taking. You will have to put to use what you learned about how the development of writing changes how societies operate.
  • The unit test should take less than an hour. You must see your teacher to write this.