Here are just a few reasons that you may consider our school:

We have a wide range of courses and programs to suite learners needs including computers courses which make use of the latest technologies, language courses and a great selection of courses that you would find at a typical high school. A few examples of our "boutique courses" include Music Composition and Technology 12, Equine Studies and Criminal Psychology!
Our online courses make use of cutting edge technologies such as the MOODLE course management system with GOOGLE apps and services built right in. Students can share their assignments right inside of Google Drive and can interact with instructors within their Google Documents!
Our fully qualified instructors are knowledgeable and helpful. Our learning environment both ONLINE and in our centres can be described as "warm and friendly" with students often developing a sense of camaraderie with their peers as they progress through their courses. We also provide a number of student activities throughout the year to promote to enhance our school spirit.
Our learning centres and distance learning provide a flexible format where students can attend on a "drop-in" basis - both virtually or in person. As well, students can start courses anytime during the school year although students are strongly encouraged to set course goals and reasonable timetables for course completion to ensure success.

Recently, through the school districts new visioning process, we were asked to create a graphic that would accurate represent our focus areas:


To provide flexible, personalized educational programs that facilitate students' learning and self esteem.

Last modified: Friday, 30 September 2022, 6:26 AM